Getting an accurate Tarot reading relies on the energy you have within you. Your energy connects to the cards, allowing your intuition to guide you regarding what cards to pick.
This means that it is really important to center your energy before picking the cards. Don’t rush into the reading, as this might affect its accuracy. You should also avoid performing this free tarot card reading if your emotions are heightened. Anger, sadness, or other negative emotions will affect your understanding of the cards.
Before picking the cards, take a moment for meditation. Inhale through your nose and out through your mouth, visualizing a flow of energy through you. Imagine any negative energy being released through your exhaling.
Center your energy by focusing on the present. Go through your senses one by one. What can you feel? Can you hear anything? How about your smells?
Doing this allows you to focus your energy on the Tarot reading.
Reflect On The Meanings As You Pick The Cards
When you feel ready, it is time to pick the cards. You will be selecting five different cards, one for each position. Now, it is important not to click and pick randomly without reflecting on the position you are picking the card for.
Before selecting each card in our free online tarot reading, remind yourself of what you are picking the card for. You may wish to say it out loud. For example, when you are picking the card that reveals your strengths, you can say, ‘this card will show me my strengths.’
Doing this will allow your intuition to guide you, meaning that you will pick the right card for the position.
Reflect on the Cards - Tap Into Your Intuition!
Once you have the five cards, it is time to reflect on their meanings. Some cards are pretty obvious, and you will know straight away what they are referring to. But, you may need to use your intuition when reflecting on certain cards and their positions.
When you are faced with a card that is difficult to understand, there are two main aspects of the card to go through. These are keywords and symbolism. Every card has keywords that represent their general meaning. Take a look at those keywords and reflect on what they might mean for the position the card is in. You may also wish to reflect on your own associations with these keywords. How do they make you feel? How do you see them in your general life? Use your gut to guide you. If you feel that this card represents something specific in your life, it probably does.
The next way you can use your intuition when reading the cards is by reflecting on the imagery and symbols on the card that has been revealed. Symbolism is extremely important in Tarot cards, so in this free online tarot reading too, and we can gain a lot of understanding by examining the imagery of the cards. What sticks out to you? How does the imagery of the card make you feel?
Stick With The Cards You Get
Sometimes, a Tarot reading will tell us something we don’t want to hear. Or, it may give us an answer we just can’t figure out.
You may want to try again and pick five new cards, but you need to stick with the cards you get. Repeating the tarot cards reading until you get the answers you want is not helpful at all. You received these five specific cards for a reason!
You may find it difficult to understand specific cards and how they relate to their certain position. This doesn’t mean that they are wrong! If you have a journal, note down the cards you received. Over time, things may become clearer to understand.
How Can You Implement What You Have Learned in Your Life?
Finally, take your time to think about how you can implement what you have learned in your life. By reflecting on the cards and what they mean, you are able to move forward on your true path in life.
We recommend repeating our general 5-card Tarot reading every couple of months and journaling the cards. This allows you to track your progress in life and allow the Tarot to guide you forward. You can use our 3-card spread any time you have a question. Remember all readings on this site are free!
Why Tarot Cards is the Best Tool for Psychic Readings
Definitive Insights: Tarot cards provide unequivocal answers for life's questions.
Easy to understand: The symbols of cards are easy to grasp even for beginners.
Personal connection: A tarot reading is like getting advice from a friend.
Past, Present, Future: Covering all bases, tarot offer information about the past and future right down to that very moment in which you are asking your question.
Empowerment: They empower you, give you the self-confidence to make decisions and control your life.
It Works; It Has Worked: cards have been in business for several centuries now and seem to work well.
It meets the needs: People find value in tarot readings.
Flexibility: For topics such as love, work and personal growth, cards are able to help guide you.
Continued Relevance: Even in such a digitally driven era as today, tarot reading is still important. This goes to show just how long-lived the wisdom of this ancient art really is.
In this free five-card Tarot spread, you will discover the following:
Where you are now
What fears are holding you back
Your strengths
Weaknesses you need to address
Your potential
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